25: Responsiveness with Basha Rubin of Priori Legal

Law is a Customer Service Business: Nicole chats with Basha Rubin, CEO and Co-Founder of Priori Legal. Technology is changing access to legal services: Priori is working to remove aspects of finding and working with lawyers that impede efficiency. How did you come up with the idea for Priori: We felt a marketplace solution would…

24: Value Pricing with Ron Baker

Focus on Effectiveness vs. Efficiency  Nicole chats with Ron Baker, author and VeraSage Institute – Think Tank Founder Ron Baker Bio Value Pricing:  Setting a price commensurate with the value you’ll create for the customer before you do the work. Value Pricing:  Is pricing certainty and reduced risk.  When you offer a fixed price with options…

23: Have An Identity – a conversation with Peter Aziz

– So You Know How to Sell Your Services. Nicole chats with Peter Aziz, Founder and Managing Partner, Peter Aziz Associates. Strengths/habits that have led to success: If you don’t know the answer ask, people want to help. Growth strategy: Best form of advertising is a client you already represented, treat clients right so they…

22: Seize the Kairotic Moment with Ajay Raju of Dilworth Paxson

Law Firms Have to Think Like Businesses Nicole chats with Ajay Raju, Executive Chairman/CEO, Dilworth Paxson, LLP Ajay talks about how all great law firms are built at the intersection of relationship, value and judgement. Strengths/habits that lead to success:   Provide counsel vs. focusing on the delivery of legal work. Growth strategy: Technology is changing…

21: Nail Your Niche with best selling author Aaron Ross

We’re Talking to You Professionals Nicole chats with Aaron Ross, best selling author and founder of Predictable Revenue.com. Check out his latest book, From Impossible to Inevitable. All growth uses the same principals: including professional services. Nailing a niche: where you’re truly unique from others. Become a specialist: approach the market with a specialty. It’s…